Photography & Digital Art Show
This is a PEER JUDGED event in which all entrants are invited to be a judge.
Each judge is asked to put aside whatever bias they may have and evaluate each entry (except their own) on a scale from 1 - 10 based upon the following equally weighted criteria.
1) Composition
2) Technical Execution
3) Creativity & Innovation
4) Overall Visual Impact
Step 2
Upon completion of their independent evaluations, the individual judge's scores for each entry are added and put in descending order by show category.
Step 3
The top entry from each show category are placed next to one another and the Judge(s) are asked to determine which is Best of Show by majority vote. Once the Best of Show is determined, it is pulled from its Show Category and everything else move up one place.
There will be a minimum of17 ribbon awards. This will include a first place in each of 4 Show categories. The number of awards in each category is proportional to the number of entries in that category relative to total. All awards are limited to one per entrant, the highest of which earned.